中国实用妇科与产科杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 149-153.DOI: 10.19538/j.fk2022020106

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  1. 福建医科大学附属福建省妇幼保健院产科,福建 福州 350001
  • 出版日期:2022-02-02 发布日期:2022-02-02
  • 通讯作者: 颜建英
  • 基金资助:

Causes of preterm prelabor rupture of the membranes and the prevention and management. 

  1. Department of Obstetrics,Fujian Provincial Maternity and Children's Hospital,Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University,Fuzhou 350001,China
  • Online:2022-02-02 Published:2022-02-02

摘要: 未足月胎膜早破(PPROM)是产科综合征疾病之一,可严重影响母儿健康,其病因复杂,存在多种通路协同作用,且可能与感染互为因果,其临床处理策略一直是产科临床工作中的棘手问题。目前,诊疗策略依据发病孕周的特点及预后,权衡监测严重并发症临床征象与早产风险利弊,选择最佳终止妊娠时机,但存在诊疗滞后和处理被动等问题,主动积极的管理策略应将重点放在不同病因的低成本筛查和干预措施上,有助于推进PPROM早防控与精细化管理。

关键词: 未足月胎膜早破, 产科综合征性疾病, 病因预防

Abstract: Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes(PPROM)is one of the obstetrical syndromes that seriously affect maternal and child health.It has a complex etiology with multiple pathways acting synergistically and causally with infection,and its management strategy has been extremely challenging. Management is currently based on the characteristics and prognosis of PPROM at different gestational ages,with emphasis on monitoring for signs of infection,and often requires a trade-off between progression of serious complications and risk of preterm delivery to determine the best time to terminate the pregnancy. However,due to the lack of understanding of the etiology,there is often a lag and passivity in diagnosis and treatment,and a more positive management strategy should focus on low-cost screening and interventions for different etiologies to help advance early prevention,control and refined management of PPROM.

Key words: preterm prelabor rupture of membranes, the great obstetrical syndromes, etiological prevention
